We use our Artificial Intelligence tools and your healthcare Data to your advantage.


We can help you use AI to find the competitive edge in your healthcare and pharma data.

Our products are our real assests.

Whether you are looking to create new data or analyze existing data, we are here to help. Our expertise across data extraction, AI Model development, and analytics can be used to support your team and your business to uncover a world of opportunities. You only need an idea, and we’ll do the rest.

Discover Our Valuable Products


ItrialOutcome is the proprietary tool for Predict Clinical Trial Outcomes. It uses machine learning to find patterns in internet data to predict when your competitors’ products may come to market. Clinical trials have been vital to advancing disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Our tool tracks all three phases of traditional clinical trials. Our trained model predicts the feasibility to get success of the Clinical trial.


IDrugDiscovery is the proprietary tool for Speeding up Drug Discovery.The drug development industry is bogged down by skyrocketing development costs and research that takes thousands of human errors. Putting each drug through clinical trials costs about $2.6 billion, and only 10% of those drugs are successfully brought to market. Our product processa large amount of unstructured research data to link drug and symptoms across these diverse data sets and discover new applications for existing drugs.The ultimate goal ofIDrugDiscovery is to bring more significant benefits more rapidly to more patients safely.


IMHub is the proprietary tool for building a medical knowledge Hub. ItSearches and documents vast amounts of online medical data related to specialism and gains a more profound understanding of any topic. Healthcare data comes from distributed sources such as electronic medical records, clinical images, diagnosis data, health claim data, streaming systems, sensors attached to the patient’s bedside to track patient vitals continually. They producevast chunks of data where the traditional data processing systems are inadequate to deal with them effectively.


IWorkforce is the proprietary tool for Workforce management with AI. Our AI-enabled system uses deep learning and ML to extract information,match the competencies of health care workers to specific tasks, and help fill available slots, making the planning of medical staff rotation easier and more efficient. It helps to reduce labor-intensive tasks through automation like patient scheduling, utilization management, prior authorization.


IAutodiagnosis is getting built for the Automated diagnosis and prescription. Our AI-enabled system can help patients self-diagnose or assist doctors in diagnosis. It provides relevant health and triage information based on the symptoms explained by the patient.